Ezeiatech is a Zoho partner with the resources and firsthand experience to provide technology applications to clients. From Zoho implementation to integration, development, and support, we help our clients manage workflow through solutions streamlined to business growth. As a Zoho authorized partner, we have mastered the creative strategy of helping businesses build efficient operations leveraging Zoho CRM, Zoho Creator, Zoho Books, Zoho One, and more.

Our Zoho experts visualize an ideal management system for marketing and sales force automation, combining technical expertise with advanced Zoho dedicated tools to help businesses set up a simplified management pattern that positively impacts marketing and sales. At Ezeiatech, we work with clients to automate their business while assisting them in choosing and integrating the right Zoho solution according to their business requirements. Whether you need assistance in finding what’s perfect for your business or need help to reduce costs and increase sales, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Get in touch to explore Zoho Services or write to us at zoho@ezeiatech.com with your requirement.


  • Zoho Certified Consulting

    With a professional Zoho consulting team catering to your needs, we handle your Zoho project, ensuring optimum satisfaction. Our Zoho consultant will learn your business, providing customized solutions to improve practices and save time and money. We strive to help you craft a solid plan to move your business forward and attain the next level.

  • Zoho Implementation

    Before Zoho implementation, we first study to understand what’s perfect for you; then, we move fast to integrate a solution that enhances your performance and business profitability. Our high-end implementation aims to help your business maximize productivity, increase leads, and unmatched customers experience.

  • Zoho Development

    We provide Zoho development solutions to align with your business model. Our in-depth knowledge of Zoho development enables us to offer quick turnaround time and help you minimize the costs of onsite Zoho development.

  • Zoho Training

    Ezeiatech offers intensive Zoho training with a focus on building competent personnel with the efficient capacity to manage sales and customers. Our extensive Zoho training helps to unlock the strategic steps in Zoho implementation and integration.

  • Zoho Integration

    To ensure efficient business operation with improved customer interaction, Ezeiatech provides Zoho integration streamlined to every business’s needs. We provide data-driven integration solutions that enable our clients to utilize advanced and innovative applications to solve business problems effectively.

  • Zoho Support and Maintenance

    Our Zoho administrators and developers are onsite to provide 100% support on Zoho implementation and integration. We are highly skilled at Zoho applications and managing systems to meet your business changing needs.


Zoho People

Our Zoho developers integrate Human Resource technology to bring flexibility and efficiency to HR management. We leverage the best tool to better manage your employee’s data and evaluate their performance.

Zoho People

Zoho CRM

With Zoho CRM software, we ease the capacity to reach more people, analyze data and stay up-to-date with customer’s interests. Our Zoho developers integrate Zoho CRM to help you satisfy and communicate more effectively.

Zoho CRM

Zoho Creator

Design great mobile and web applications with no coding required. Zoho Creator lets you create custom business applications and also generate hybrid applications at a go. Our Zoho Creator developers are on course to make the process easy and hassle-free.

Zoho Creator

Zoho Books

Zoho Book lets you manage your finances in a simplified and efficient way possible. Our expert Zoho developers integrate your accounting system with Zoho Book, so you can track inventory, generate reports and initiate financial activities at a go.

Zoho Books

Zoho Analytics

Get insight into every activity through a data analytics application that lets you evaluate all your data and track performance.

Zoho Analytics

Zoho One

Manage your work order in one suite. Our certified Zoho developers integrate Zoho applications that provide you with all the features you need to manage and run your business in one place.

Zoho One

At Ezeiatech, we’ve worked with brands to integrate the best Zoho solutions that align with their business operation. Our Zoho developers learn about your business to initiate the best Zoho solutions capitalizing on insights from your business operation to customize and automate your business growth.


We integrate our Zoho solutions to ascertain a degree of satisfaction. We not only initiate a solution, but we also perform thorough QA (Quality Assurance) tests to ensure we meet an acceptable implementation standard.


Our Zoho team of developers takes pride in understanding client’s specific business direction leveraging expertise and Zoho’s dedicated tools to customize your solutions while initiating smooth and efficient workflow. We’ve built a robust team presence to handle all of your Zoho implementation and integration to ensure improved work efficiency and increased return on your investment.