Digital transformation is necessary change in fundamentals how organization business processes functions and delivers value to its customers. It requires a radical rethinking of how organization uses technology, people and process to reestablish the way business functions perform.

Generally it is led by CEO, in partnership with CIOs, CTOs and other senior leaders. It require cross-functional collaboration to reimagine the business philosophies with new age applications development.

Excerpt from HBR (https://hbr.org)

As per Harvard Business Review 70% of all digital transformation initiatives do not reach their goals. In year 2019, of the $ 1.3 trillion that was spent on digital transformation, it was estimated that $ 900 billion went to waste.

Fundamentally, it’s because most digital technologies provide possibilities for efficiency gains and customer intimacy. But if people lack the right mindset to change and the current organizational practices are flawed, DT will simply magnify those flaws.


Align Business Strategy

Customer’s management and function leadership has to be aligned with broader measurable objectives to achieve as part of digital transformation journey rather having micro view such as use of AI technology or launching a mobile app for customers. These objectives will govern the strategy of what and how of next steps.

These measurable objectives later act as report card to measure success of digital transformation.

Leverage Insider Knowledge

Customer’s business heads are key to nitty-gritty of how business function today. As external consultant we can not change the dynamics of customer’s business and the way market throws challenges, but as unbiased party we bring our independent and fresh approach to deal with these dynamics through twist in the process leveraging both knowledge and technology.

Consider this step as laying blue print for the digital transformation journey.

Execute Like Startups

Now that we have nuts and bolts in place, it is time to execute. We believe key to execution excellence is plan and team. Plan which is practical and team with skills, clarity and alignment to achieve our customer’s objective.

This being a lengthiest phase of entire digital transformation journey, it requires water tight execution with clear defined milestones, timely blocker addressals, periodic reviews and feedbacks.

“Move fast, deliver small and keep iterating”

Re-Imagine End User Journeys

Any digital transformation is incomplete if it is not resulting into enhancement of end user experience to do more and faster digitally. This requires a detail assessment of how end users are interacting with business, current limitations and challenges they are facing. We championed this area of solutioning as we have been part of numerous such transformation for our customers.

This solution goes as very important segment digital transformation blue print as it impact end user directly.