Ezeiatech joined hands with OYO – Hotels and Homes, one of the largest Indian multinational OTA for homes and living spaces, to rectify the leakage of money as well as help them meet the regulatory compliance issues.

OYO is a global platform that empowers entrepreneurs and small businesses with homes and hotels by providing them full stack technology that increases their earnings and eases operations, bringing affordable and trusted accommodation that guests could book instantly anywhere anytime. The sole motive is to multiply the revenue channels for hoteliers and allow both travelers as well as city dwellers a plethora of staying options and optimized experiences.
In the hotel industry, there have been business problems and OYO has faced the same since its inception. The hoteliers need to pay a certain amount of commission to OYO for customers booking through their platform. Thus, the hoteliers smartly resort to no show scam or change the booking ID by luring the customer with a petty discount and saving the commission designated to OYO. The hoteliers maintain an offline register which could be easily modified for their own good by tweaking it.
Ezeiatech worked with OYO – Hotels and Homes to audit their current operating systems and provide them the technological support required for countering the revenue leakage and meet the regulatory compliance requirements. The goal is to manage the functioning of the application to create a reliable, scalable and cost-effective system for both customers, hoteliers and OYO.
The Idea is to integrate all the data of the resident at the hotel and ensure that the hotelier is not indulging in any malpractice to save the commission required to be paid to OYO. Thus, it became necessary to provide an application where the hoteliers would have to digitally check in the customers to keep a proper tab about their booking and payment.
Overall plan for validating the presence of the customers during check in at the hotel –
- Using government identity proof records like Aadhaar card or PAN card for validation.
- Implementing the application at a state level according to the needs of the hotels partnered with OYO.
- Manual register to be shared with local police stations in order to meet regulations.
- Penalty could be charged on behalf of OYO incase hoteliers indulge in malpractice.
- Customers are provided with security and cannot be forced to indulge in hotelier’s deeds.