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Benefits and Principles of Utilizing Agile Testing Methodology (Part 2)

In the continuation of part 1 (Part & Strategy), we are here with part 2 of this agile testing series.

Benefits Of Agile Testing

What benefits does Agile testing offer? What are the reasons behind its adoption by software development teams? Let’s explore.

  1. Agile testing helps in detecting and removing software defects in the initial stages, which leads to time and cost-saving for the project teams. Waiting for the product to get developed and then testing it can be more expensive and time-consuming.
  2. Agile testing reduces the need for documentation as the teams can reuse their test checklist from previous iterations instead of creating a new one each time, allowing them to focus on testing instead of documentation.
  3. Agile testing demonstrates a high level of flexibility and adaptability, as changes can be made several times throughout the software development process without impacting the software’s functionality.
  4. Daily stand-up meetings are held in agile testing to facilitate issue identification and keep track of progress and improvements over time.
  5. Continuous feedback from end-users is a crucial aspect of agile testing, which facilitates timely identification and resolution of user issues and helps in meeting their expectations.

Principles of Agile Testing

The following are the principles of the agile testing methodology:

Continuous testing is one of the core principles of agile methodology, as the team engages in ongoing testing of the software to minimize the number of bugs and ensure steady progress of the project.

Continuous feedback is constantly received and implemented to ensure that the project is aligned with business needs and meets the client’s requirements.

As previously mentioned, in the agile methodology, testing is a collaborative effort where all members of the team, including developers and testers, are responsible for conducting tests, as opposed to the traditional software development cycle where only the QA team is responsible for this task.

Agile testing leads to a reduced feedback response time due to the continuous feedback loop. With business teams involved in each iteration of the process, timely delivery of feedback is ensured, resulting in faster response times.

The agile team fixes all the defects identified within the same iteration, resulting in simplified and clean code.

Agile testing relies on a reusable checklist for each iteration, minimizing the need for extensive documentation.

The Agile methodology is test-driven, where testing is carried out during the implementation stage and not after it.

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